Funny Messages


Foreign Aid: The transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

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Boy Vs Girl

Boy: You Are Sunshine of My Life.

Without You Life Is Cloudy.

You are in My Heart Like Rainy Water for Barren Land.

Girl: Darling!

Is it Proposal or Weather Report?

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Boy Vs Girl

Boy to a girl: Why Don’t you have a boyfriend?
Girl: I am not allowed to have a boyfriend, but why don’t you have a girlfriend ?
Boy: because you are not allowed to have a boyfriend yet ……!
just waiting for you!

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Teacher: “If I had ten flies on my desk and I swatted one, how many would I have left?”
Little Johnny: “One, the others would have flown away!”

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Two guys are playing golf. The women in front of them are really taking their time and are slowing the men up.

So one man says to his friend, “I’m gonna go ask those ladies if we can play through.”

He starts walking, but about halfway there, he turns around. When he gets back, his friend asks what happened.

He replies, “One of those women is my wife, and the other is my mistress. Why don’t you go talk to them?”

So the second man starts to walk over. He gets halfway there and turns around.

When he gets back, his friend asks, “Now what happened?”

To this he replies, “Small world.”

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