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Cards Birthday Sayings

Cards Birthday Sayings

Cards Birthday Sayings

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With every birthday, comes a new beginning and new lanes to walk on. Choose to begin on the right lanes, always trust what you believe in. May you have a successful year. Happy Birthday.

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Cards Birthday Sayings

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The stars shall come closer tonight and the winds will blow to you. You are special and wonderful. May you always walk the glory road and achieve all you desire. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.

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Cards Birthday Sayings

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The day of chocolates, candies and cakes is here. It is your special day. May you have loads of fun today and in all the years to come. I wish you faith, luck and happiness for the rest of your journey. May it be a wonderful one. Happy Birthday.

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Cards Birthday Sayings

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Many dream, but only some try. Some try, but only few achieve. May you dream, try and achieve. I wish you luck, courage and faith to do it all. May you have a wonderful life. Happy Birthday.

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Cards Birthday Sayings

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On this beautiful day, I request you to look up to the sun and yell out with pride and believe that this is your year. Let the world know it is your special day, let the world celebrate your birthday. Spread the smiles and cheers, I wish you a very sweet and happy Birthday. Enjoy!

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