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Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

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If a girl says “don’t worry about it”!!
Then you better freaking worry about it.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boys: “May I see you pretty soon?”

Girls: “Why? Don’t you think I’m pretty now?”

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boy in restaurant sees a girl sitting.
Boy asks politely:Is this seat empty?
Girl(furiously):Yes! And once you sit on it, my seat would also be empty!

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Boy Vs Girl

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Night was dark,
Moon was high.
Boy stopd his bike,
girl asked him y?
He came close 2her,
she felt shy.
He went near her & told her 2 words


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Boy Vs Girl

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Boys have fun

by teasing girls,

Then girls cry

for few minutes

Girls have fun

by loving boys

Then boys cry

4 life time!

Funny but it is fact

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