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Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

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After An Emotional Hug,

Girl says to Boy:

If You Hug Me once More

Like that I will be yours forever

Boy: Thanks For










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Boy Vs Girl

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No matter how many times a girl denies it,
she’ll always remember every detail of the
moment and piece of the memories you
have left here.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boys: “So what do you do for a living?”

Girls: “I’m a female impersonator.”

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Boy Vs Girl

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The perfect boyfriend
doesn’t cheat,
doesn’t smoke,
doesn’t drink,
doesn’t lie,
and doesn’t exist!!

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Boy Vs Girl

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And After the Exam…….
Girl: looking like she’s having a hard time with the Exam, saying:
You know exam was a bit hard, I don’t know what I did, I am afraid to fail (that means 80+ Marks)
Boys: looking like everything is fine, saying:
It was not too bad you know.. I think I’ll pass !!!

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