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Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

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Boy: What do you think, how do I play Guitar..?
Girl: I wish you were on T.V.
Boy: I am so happy to hear that, Am I that Good?
Girl: Ummm… Not really; if you were on T.V. I can at least switch it off

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Boy Vs Girl

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To the world u may be just 1 person,
but to 1 person u may be the world!.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Why do girls look beautiful?
is it real or due to make up?
all false
Girls look beautiful because
Boys have good IMAGINATION.

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Boy Vs Girl

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How Do You Know ?

When A Woman Is About To Say Something Smart… ?









She Starts Her Sentence With

”A Man Once Told Me”…

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Boy Vs Girl

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oncE A Guy wHo recenTLy hAd a brEaKoff wiD Her giRL frieNd was aSkEd ….HAv U leFt uR girL frieNd or sHe left u???

He smileD And answerED..

L0vE LefT us!!!

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