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Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

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Boys: “Your body is like a temple.”

Girls: “Sorry, there are no services today.”

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Boy Vs Girl

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Always busy when needed.
Makes horrible things looks beautiful.
VIRUS:These type of girls are
normally called ‘WIFE’
once enters in your system don’t leave
even after format.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boy: I Hate To See A Girl Standing In A Bus
When I Am Comfortably Seated.
Girl: So What Do You Do?
Boy: I Close My Eyes And Sleep.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Love is when i walk to other side of classroom
to sharp my pencil, Just to See her..

N then realize that,
Im holding a pen..!!

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Boy Vs Girl

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The Two Dangerous Weapons In the World Other Than Nuclear Bombs

1)A Girl’s Smile


2)A Girl’s Tear…:-D

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