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16 Feb Kick Day

Hey, it’s Kick Day! Send a cool message to your dear one!

16 Feb Kick Day

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I Love kick boxing because there is a lot of fun in it.
It keeps me joyful because I can kick on anybody’s head
as I want to kick you on your head on this kick day.
Have a wonderful and joyful Kick day.

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16 Feb Kick Day

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I don’t want people to kick me,
I just want to get to a point where
they can’t kick it.
-Michael J.Fox.
Happy Kick Day!

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16 Feb Kick Day

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You may not realize it when it happens,
but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
-Walt Disney.
Happy Kick Day!

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16 Feb Kick Day

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I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once,
but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
-Bruce Lee.
Happy Kick Day.

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16 Feb Kick Day

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Take things as they are.
Punch when you have to punch.
Kick when you have to kick.
-Bruce Lee.
Happy Kick Day!

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