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Valentine Month Messages

Valentine Month Messages

10 Feb Teddy Day

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You Must Be Mine And You Will Be Mine
Teddy Bear Day Is Day Of Love
It’s A Day When You Find Your True Love
A Day Of Hearts And Yummy Candies
A Day When Cupid Hits You With A Love Arrow
A Day When You Find Your Teddy Bear
Happy Teddy Day.

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10 Feb Teddy Day

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Teddy bears don’t need hearts
as they are already stuffed with love.

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12 Feb Kiss Day

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Love You, As I Always Do,
Kiss Me, As I Care For You,
I Have Never Seen Heaven My Dear,
But I Can Live In Hell With You.
Happy Kiss Day.

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10 Feb Teddy Day

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Even If The Sun Refused To Shine
Even If Romance Ran Out Of Rhyme
You Would Still Have My Heart Until
The End Of TimeYou’re All
( ‘ o ‘ )
I Need, My Love
Happy Teddy Day.

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13 Feb Hug Day

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I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I Smile and Seem Carefree, There is no one Who misses you more than ME! Happy Hug Day dear.

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