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Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday

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Praying that the Lord fills your Heart with Peace …
Holds you in His Love & Blesses you with His Grace…

On dis Holy Day & Always. Good Friday!

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Good Friday

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Mercy, Please & Love
May da grace & Lord…
surround u & b with you
on Good Friday.

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Good Friday

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Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. His life still gives us hope, May you live in his unchanging love. May Jesus who was born in a manger be born again in your Heart? Good Friday!

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Good Friday

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On the Holy day…

May His light guide your path…
May his love grace your heart…
& may His scarifice strengthen
your Soul ! Thinking of you on

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Good Friday

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Life is a maybe
Death is for sure
Sin is the cause
Christ is the cure
Good Friday!

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