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I Love You – Reasons Why I Love You

I Love You

I love you because every time I see you, you bring a smile to my face.

I love you because every time I see you, you bring a smile to my face. 

Your smile melts my heart.
Your smile melts my heart.

Your smile melts my heart.

I cannot imagine if can survive in this world without your love and support. I love you because you are the pillar of my life.

I love you because No matter where I go, I always find my way back to you.

I love you because No matter where I go, I always find my way back to you.

I love you more than anything in this world. My love for you is immeasurable.
I love you more than anything in this world. My love for you is immeasurable.

I love you more than anything in this world. My love for you is immeasurable.

You are the sunlight to my day, happiness to my heart, and joy to my life. Words cannot express how much I love you.

I love you because even in the worst situation you can still manage to make me laugh. You completely turn my world around.

I love you because I can tell you things that I would never share with another soul. 

When something amazing happens you’re the first person I want to share it with. You’ve cried with me and you’ve laughed with me.

 I love that you never make me feel like I’m not good enough, you always know how to make me feel special and beautiful. 

I’m completely myself around you and I never have to worry about what you’ll think about me. 

Talking to you makes my day so much better. I love that when you’re around I’m completely content.

I love you knowing there’s a chance one day my heart might get broken, because of the love and pure bliss that I honestly never dreamed was possible until felt it with you.

I love you because you make me a stronger person.

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I love you because I know I have a friend and maybe even a soulmate who I trust completely and know will remain loyal till the end.

I love you because sometimes the only thing keeping me from losing it is knowing I have you.

Just know that no matter how many times I say it it will never come close to showing you how I feel about you because honestly words just can’t express it.

I love you, all of you. The good, the bad, and everything in between. So that, is why I love you

I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much….

One thing is true, I never want to lose you, no matter what happens, I’ll always be next to you. 

You are just like a flower, you spread your beautiful fragrance all around you. You make me melt with just your presence.

I hate labels. You’re my best friend, true love, sweetheart, partner-in-crime, and so much more. And I’m supposed to call you just one? Not fair. 

Never forget that I love you for exactly who you are, and I’m with you every step on the way of who you’re going to be.

You are the sunlight to my day, happiness to my heart, and joy to my life. Words cannot express how much I love you.

I love you because you love me and you always look after me with such tenderness. You always make me feel safe and warm like nothing would ever harm me.

I love you because even in the worst situation you can still manage to make me laugh. You completely turn my world around.

I love you because even in the worst situation you can still manage to make me laugh. You completely turn my world around.