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100 Breakup Messages for Heart Broken Souls

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When you have a break up from your lover you would want to convey your feelings. Here we have a list of breakup sms that you can set as your social status. These breakup messages are sad and for broken hearted lovers.

Breakup Messages

Breakup messages someone is going to thank you for letting me go.

“I still miss those days…

That, hours of chatting,
Fighting over little things,
Late night talks,
Sharing secrets,
Weird dreams,
Being possessive,
Waiting for ur texts,
Watching ur pics and texts over and over,
Smiling for no reason,
Trusting you blindly,
Your hugs and kisses,
Your innocent wishes…

And now just having…

Blank inbox,
No more I love u,
Hours of loneliness,
Unshared emotions,
Late night cries,
Heartbreaking secrets,
Shattered dreams,
Deleted memories,
Fake smiles,
Broken trust,
Devious heartaches

I don’t know why I Am still waiting for you..!”

“Don’t trust too much,
don’t love too much,
don’t care too much
because that too much’ will hurt you so much!”

“If I Should Die Tonight
And The Reason Remains Unknown,
Tell Not The Whole World,
But The One I Love
That I Died Of A Broken Heart,
Not Because You Loved Me Too Little
But Because I Loved You Too Much.”

“Superb Love Quote By A Broken Lover:
You hurt me more than I deserve.
It is just because
I loved You more than you deserve.”

“When a very sweet & close person goes to far away from us,
we may say or not say,
but our heart says to their heart-

Read More: Sad tearful quotes for broken hearts

“I Don’t Know Why I’m So Afraid To
Lose You When Your Not Even Mine,
I Don’t Know Why I Love You
So When U Don’t Even Love Me,
I Don’t Know Why You’re The One
When I’m Just A Someone To You.”

“Don’t Give Special Place To
Any One In Your Heart,
Easy To Give That Place
But It Hurts More When
They Don’t Know The
Value Of That Place….!”

“Wen U r Hurt by your close ones,
do Fight with Them bcoz the Fight Saves a Relation,
but being Quiet Leaves Nothing in d Relation”

“If A Boy Cries For A Girl,
That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stupid,

If A Boy Cant Move On To Another Girl,
That Doesn’t Mean He Is Stubborn

If A Boy Gets Depressed For ‘one Girl’,
That Doesn’t Mean He Is A Loser

If A Boy Always Dreams About Only ‘one Girl’,
That Doesn’t Mean He’s Just Got Addicted To Her

If A Boy Is Obsessed For One Girl,
That Doesn’t Mean He Cant Be With Any Other Girl

If A Boy Is Crazy For One Girl,
That Doesn’t Mean He Has Lost His Mind\u2026.

All That Means Is,
He Loves That Girl So Much
That He Cant Love Any Other Girl In The Same Way..”

“It’s useless to show how much u damn “CARE” for someone,
when that person is ‘Too Busy’
getting someone else’s “ATTENTION” .!!!:”

“Just Tell Me One Think,
When You Broke My Heart U Feel Happy Or Not,
If U Feel Happy Then You,
Broke My Heart Anytime Anywhere,
Bcoz When You Happy My Heart Feels Good.”

“Love hurts when you break up with someone.

It hurts more when someone breaks up with you.

It hurts the most when someone has no idea how you feel.”

“I Wish I Had The Guts To Walk Away
And Forget About What We Had,
But, I Can’t Because I Know
You Won’t Come After Me,
And I Guess That’s What Hurts The Most.”

“If I Had To Delete Some Memories,
I Will Delete My Favorites Ones
Because Good Memories Are Hurting Much More Than Bad Ones.”

“Never will stop loving you..

I’ll stop loving you,
When diamonds never sparkle,
And flowers cease to grow,
When thunder doesn’t echo,
And rivers do not flow,
When hearts no longer wonder,
And hands are never held,
When smiles are only memories,
And hope is never felt,
When trees no longer blossom,
And the stars refuse to shine,
When autumn has no falling leaves,
And winter no longer dies,
When time has no more tomorrows,
And rainbows have no hue,
When God alone commands me,
Then I’ll stop loving you.”

“When Two People In Love, Had Break Up
Then They Can’t Be Friends Cause They
Have Hurt Each Other. They Can’t Be
Enemies, Cause Once They Loved Each
Other The Only Thing They Can Be, Is The
Most Familiar Strangers. Sad But True.”

“If someone waits for doesn’t mean that they have nothing else to do…
it just means that..nothing else is more important than you..
if you could read what’s in my heart
you did be in tears…”

“Heart touching quote:-
I remember him not as the
1 who broke my heart..
But as the 1 who taught me how
2 live with a BROKEN HEART…!!”

“The most beautiful words
by a wounded heart
“I Never Stopped Loving You,
I Just Stopped Showing It”…”

“I’m the type of girl that puts on her better smile,
her better outfit,
and better attitude
and shows him what he left behind..”

“I Don’t Miss You.
I Miss The Laughs.
The Smiles.
The Good Times.
The Way Things Were.
Now, I Don’t Know Who You Are.”

“The most critical moment in life-
When someone very special hurts you deeply,
give tears to our eyes.


but we just reply, NOTHING.”

“Some People Are So Lucky
That Even After Hurting,
They Get So Much Love
& Some Are So Unlucky That
Even After giving So Much Love,
They Always Get Hurt:”

“Being alone usually looks sad to people.
Being alone is better than to have somebody,
Who makes Us Feel Alone.”

“I always thought that love can melt d pain away
no matter how painful it is
But I never thought that pain can also melt love away no matter how great it is”

“Think Twice Before Leaving A
Space In Someones Heart
Because It Is Difficult To
Bear The Pain When U See
Someone Else Filling Your Space.”

“I Never Explain Myself To ANYONE… Cuz,
Person Who Likes Me Doesn’t Need It.
AND.. Person Who Dislikes Me,
Won’t Believe It!!”

“The Worst Pain I Am Suffering Is That
I Can’t Hate You,
Even If I Am Hurt So Badly By You,
I Simply Can’t Hate You,
Cause Every Time I Tried,
I Fell Again Deeply For You..
Its Killing You Know!!”

“Some people are like glass
once they broke they are broken forever.”

But As The One Who TAUGHT Me
Still Love You!!!”

“My Love,Words however special.
could never even start,
to tell you all the love
I have for you within my heart”

“A lovable person is a medicine for any kind of pain.
there is no medicine available in the world for pain given by lovable person…”

“No Texts? I Understand. No
Calls? I Understand. No Time
For Me? I Understand, But
When You See Me With Someone
Else, I Hope You Understand.”

“I Have Decided To Stay Quiet
When You Hurt Me! Because If
I Hurt You Back Eventually It
Is Gonna Hurt Me More Than You!”

“Broken Trust Is Like A Broken Egg,
It Is Not Repairable.
When It’s Gone,
It’s Gone No Matter How Hard You Try.”

“The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling
just to stop the tears from failing.”

“My Love For You Was So True,
You Know That I Would Never Forget You,
But Now My Heart Is Crushed And Broken In Two,
I Should Have Never Fallen In Love With You!”

“If you feel lonely with your loved ones,
leave them because that was not love.
Loved ones never avoid.”

“It’s Easy To Deactivate Account,
Unfriend Someone,
Delete A Number,
Ignore A Call.
Moving On And Erasing That Person,
From Your Heart Seem Impossible.”

“The best revenge is just moving on & getting over it don’t give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.”

“Because I never really had you at all,
I didn’t think it would hurt this much to lose you
And now, all that I ever held dear is just a memory.”

“I Trusted U
But Now Ur Words Mean Nothing To Me,
Bcoz Ur Actions Spoke The Truth..!”

“You Know,
I’ll Be Loving You Still,
The Nights Are Lonely,
The Days Are So Sad
And I Just Keep Thinking About The Love
That We Had,
And I’m Missing You
And Nobody Knows It But Me.”

“I’ve learned to keep my composure,
to play it cool when really it’s killing me inside.
I’ve learned to let it go, to let you go.
Yet i still care and it, honestly, it sucks.
I want to be out there, gone and away from you.
I want to forget about you.
I want to move on,
but I can’t, and I don’t know why.”

“There are wounds that never appear on the body,
but they are way too deeper in heart
and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”

“I need to make myself busy
so I can forget
that I’m deeply hurt and broke.”

“Some People Are Meant
To Fall In Love With Each Other
But Not Meant To Be Together.”

You Have To Smile To Hold Back The Tears.”

“Never make anyone “VERY SPECIAL” in your life
because when they “CHANGE”
you don’t hate them instead you begin to “HATE” yourself.”

“Just Because A Relationship Ends,
Doesn’t Mean Two People Stopped Loving Each Other. Sometimes, They Just Stopped Hurting Each Other.”


“Love is sacrifice…
if you’re not willing to risk anything,
it’s better for you to let me go.”

‘I Hate My Eyes’
It Is The 0nly Part 0f
My Face That Cannot
‘Hide My Emotions’!”

“Sitting alone thinking of the times
U have spend together with ur loved ones
And feeling the pain that
Such moments wont appear again
And are just memories”

“When You Need Someone Desperately,
No One Has A Minute To
Spend With You,
When You
Want To Be Alone People
Have A Life To Spend With You.”

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness
and the feeling of being unloved.
One Day you will look back & think damn!!
That Girl really did love me.”

“It Is Difficult To Forget Someone,
Whom U Have Imagined
To Live Ur Rest Of Life With..!”

“Time And Distance May Separate You,
But If It Was Meant To Be,
You Will Meet Again
And Mend Your Broken Heart.”

“The One Who Never Valued My Love Coincident
I Was Loving Only Her That Candle
Itself Burnt My Hand The One
I Was Protecting From Wind.”

“The worst feeling is when
someone makes you feel special,
then suddenly leaves you
hanging and
you have to act
like you don’t care at all.”

“Feel it
No person in the world has d ability to stop their tears
when their loved one say to them
“Don’t Leave Me, I Need U”
or “Leave Me, I Don’t Need U “

“The pain is not on the time of missing our dears.
The pain is really start when you live without them
and with their presence in your mind.”

“The Pain Is Not On The Day
Of Missing Our Dear Ones.
The Pain Is Really When U
Live Without Them & With
Their Presence In Your Mind.”

“Just Because I Don’t Talk To
You, It Doesn’t Mean I Still
Don’t Think About You. I’m
Just Distancing Myself Because
I Know I Can’t Have You..!”

“Sometimes you have to ignore the one..
You love the most…
Bcoz you know the fact,
That person can’t be yours…”

“I am still standing on same spot,
Where you left my heart to rot,

At first i thought i’d make it through,
But, seems like i can’t stop loving you,

It is getting very hard to be strong,
Coz i have been missing you since long,

And now i don’t have anymore tears to cry,
Still my heart’s can’t seem to say goodbye..!!”

“Thinking someone is a great feelings
missing someone is a big feelings.
losing someone is a very closed feelings”

“I feel the loneliness in my life,
I feel the emptiness in my heart,
The hurt is so painful,
I love to leave my breath once and for all.”

“Most Hurting moment :-
when you realise that someone
who you used to talk everyday
suddenly stops
talking and when one fine day
you text them and
ask why they stopped texting
they simply say
“I was Busy”

“Be thankful for every heartbreak, for they were planned.
They come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you,
and then leave. Their purpose is to shake you up,
tear apart your ego a little bit,
show you your obstacles and addictions,
break your heart open so new light can get in,
make you so desperate and
out of control that you have to transform your life.
And you do !”

“After The Way You Hurt Me,
I Then Came To Realize
You Did Not Deserve Me Anyway.
My Heart Is Not A Toy,
It Is Real…
And I Am No Toy Either…”

“Everyday I Wait For A Text Everyday
I Wait For A Call Everyday
I Wait For An I Love You.
I Hope For A Better Day Tomorrow
But I Always Find My Self Let Down.”

“People eliminate themselves from your life for a reason.
Never regret some people leaving your life,
it happened for a reason.”

“Tears don’t come
when you miss a person
But they come
when you don’t want to miss those special ones
I’m on the floor counting one minute more
No one to break the silence
Staring into the night all alone
but that’s alright
It’s the feeling deep inside
I don’t like There is no excuse my friend
For breaking my heart,
breaking my heart again
This is where our journey ends
You’re breaking my heart again…..”

“Breakups hurt,
but losing someone
who doesn’t respect
and appreciate you
is actually a gain,
not a loss.”

“Whenever I Get Online.. I Open
Up Ur Profile.. Continuously
Keep Staring At Ur Pics..
Though Ur Not there In My
Life.. But Always Be In My
Mind, Heart And Wishes.. Being
The Only One I Always Miss..”

“I Keep Telling Myself
That I’m Done Trying So Hard To Get You Back,
But Really I Know That I’ll Never Stop Because,
I Love You Too Much To Give Up.”

“The first person that you think of in the morning


the last person you think of in the night

is either the cause of your happiness

or the cause of your pain.”

“A girl realizes the pain of Break-up
She has to pay for movie ticket herself..!!”

“Don’t Be MucH cLoser To
aNyBoDy …
Bcz …
a sMaLL cHaNgE iN Their BeHavIor HurTs a

“It’s Quite Amazing,
How Sometimes The Person
Who Broke Your Heart Is The Only One
Who Can Repair It.”

“I Can See, Hear And Feel.
I Never Thought The One You Love So Much,
Could Ever Break ur Heart
Until It Crumble In Pieces.
I Knew That It Was Possible
To Get My Heart Broken,
That Is True…
But I Never Thought It Would Be By You”

“If I Had One Wish,
I Would Wish For You,
For You To Feel What I Feel,
See What I Saw, Try The Way I Tried,
But Most Of All, To Regret The Way You Threw Us Away
And To Give Us Another Chance.”

“No matter how good of a person you are,
there will always be someone criticizing you.
It’s sad how some people are so jealous by
you that they only have things to say
when they know nothing about you.”

“People became affected
When they hear a song.
But actually, its not just the song.
It’s the person behind those memories.”

“Broken Heart sms..

Lov happen when someone break my HEART,,,,,,
The most amazing thin iz that i still love them with every broken pieces …..”

“Just because you miss someone

doesn’t mean U need them again in ur life..

Missing is just a part of moving on.”

“I Don’t Regret Loving You,
I Don’t Regret Trusting You,
I Regret Giving You,
The Power To Hurt Me In A Way
That I’ll Never Be Able To Be Find Again!”

“I Was Only A Time pass In Your
Life.. but Someday U Will
Truly Realize That The Time
Passed With Me Was
The Most Beautiful Time Ever.”

“ThE hEaRt SuFfErS aLoT nOt
BeCaUsE oF
DeAr OnEs…”

“I Sometimes Pretend To Be Happy,
Talking A Lot And Laughing Out
Loud So That Nobody Would Know
What’s Really Inside. But At The
End Of The Day, I Always Find
Myself All Alone Encountering
The Crucial Truth That I’m Too
Broken Inside That Not Even A
Million Laughter Can Take It Away.”

“90% of your headache can cure
if you throw artificial things from your life.
so start this from a fake relation.
happy break up day.”

“You Can Disappear At Anytime,
And You’d Forget That I Was Here,
All You Can Do Is Forget,
I’m Left With A Broken Heart.”

“Even Though, She Hates Me
In Every Movement Of Life,
But I Love Her With Very Seconds,
Not Because She Has Broken My Heart,
But She has Taught Me
To Live With Broken Heart.”

“Snake bits is fast poison.
human words are sweet poison.
love is very slow poison.
hating each other is deadly poison.”

“Things Would Have Never Come To The Point Of Breaking Up
And Walking Away,
If You Had Not Kept Deceiving Me
With Your Lies Every Day.

“When You Fell I Caught You.
I Fell You Let Go. You Told
Me I Was A Mistake. You Never
Loved Me Or Cared About Me. You
Told Me I Was Only Good Enough
To Mend You’re Broken Heart.”

“Maybe i could have Loved you Better,
Maybe you should have Loved me More,
Maybe our Hearts were just next in line..”

“No matter how good you are to people in this world
Sometimes you feel like it’s never enough and that hurts
When you give it your all.”

“U promised 2tk care of me but u hurt me,
U promised to bring me joy but u brought me tears,
U promised me ur love but u gave me pain….
I promised u nothing but gave you everything…”