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Boy Vs Girl

Boy Vs Girl

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Sometimes girls pretend to not like you, when they do!
but the problem is that
Sometimes boys pretend to like you, when they don’t

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boys: “I can tell that you want me.”

Girls: “Ohhhh. You’re so right. I want you…to leave.”

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Boy Vs Girl

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To Be Happy With a Man, Love Him Little And Understand Him A lot. .

To Be Happy With a Woman, Love Her ALOT And DO NOT TRY To Understand Her. . ;->

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Boy Vs Girl

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What do u like in me ?
Those two white big balls having black dots on it..
Girl: Whatt?
Boy:Yes i like ur eyes.

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Boy Vs Girl

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Boy: If I kiss you and Run away what will you think??
Girl: I will think that it was a fool guy who can solve whole
paper but only done objectives.

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