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I Love You Poems

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You Move Me

You move me like a warm summer day when the sky is bright blue and the birds are loudly chirping.

You move me like a soft kiss on my cheek when I’ve been crying all day.

You move me like a big hug when I’m angry or a soft “I love you” when I am sad.

You move me like the smell of chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven.

You move me like the smell of rain coming from a distance.

You move me like a little kid opening presents on Christmas day with a big smile stretched across their little face.

You move me like confidence by always helping me believe in myself and that I can do anything if I just set my mind.

You move me by saying the sweetest things just when I want to tell you I hate you.

You move me like a cat protecting her kittens just after giving birth to them.

You move me like a star shooting across the beautiful night sky.’

You move me like a love song, saying we’ll always be together.

You move me like a cold day as I sit by the fire with your arms wrapped tightly around me.

You move me like a confused girl, not knowing which road to take in life.

You move me like a newborn as it comes into this world, eyes wide open observing its new home.

You move me like a puppy running free chasing butterflies.

You move me like a teenage girl who is experiencing the joy of being in love.

You move me like the softness of your touch as you gently kiss me.

You move me like a little girl having a snowball fight with her family.

You move me like the poem you wrote to tell me how much you love me.

You move me like the smell of 24 roses, 23 real, 1 fake, and you saying you’ll love me until the last one dies.
