Every time I look at you
My senses go out of control
My body starts shivering
And I eventually freeze up like a pole
Every time I look at you
My palms get sweaty
My mind goes totally blank
Because you are so pretty
Every time I look at you
My eyes start fluttering
My lips break into a smile
My heart starts to sing
crush sayings
I love saying hello
I love saying hello to you because I say it when I see you. I hate saying goodbye to you because I say it when I am going away from you. I like you.
Continue reading...Earth is round
The earth is round. I am a boy. Water is made from hydrogen and oxygen. You are a girl. Humans need air to survive. I have a crush on you. The sun rises every morning. I like you. These are all non-debatable facts.
Continue reading...Relationship status in facebook
I don’t know what relationship status I should use for my Facebook because there is no status called ‘madly in love’, which I am with you. I love you.
Continue reading...You are the girl my heart chose
I think of you
When I see a beautiful sunrise
I think of you
When I see the pretty night skies
I think of you
When I see a colorful rainbow
I think of you
When I see blooming flowers in a row
I think of you
When I smell a fragrant rose
I am glad you are the girl
My heart chose
I like you