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Love SMS

Love SMS

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When time comes for you to give ur
heart to someone make sure u select
someone who will never break ur heart
because broken hearts has no spare parts…

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Love SMS

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Don’t fall in love with someone you can live with, fall in love with the one you can’t live without.

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Love SMS

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Love is like sunshine.
It brings a golden glow to its beholder’s face.
And a warm feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes.
And when it’s over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars.
To remind the world, that it still exists.

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Love SMS

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Every Boy’s Wish:
I am not a Prince, but My Life Partner
should be a Princess…

True Lover Wish:
My Life Partner may not be a Princess,
I Promise I’ll Treat Her Like a PRINCESS…

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Love SMS

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LOVE is the medicine for all kinds of pain in the world
there is no medicine in the world for the pain given by LOVE…

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