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Love SMS

Love SMS

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Don’t search for a very good or unique message to send me.
I’ll be happy with even an empty message of yours ….
Because more than the message, seeing your name makes me happy.

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Love SMS

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I want to tell this to you.
You are my heart and my soul too.
I can’t live a day without you.
My feeling cannot be expressed in words.
I love you so much my dearest queen..!

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Love SMS

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Love is the most precious thing in this universe,
seeing you makes me glad,
calling you my heart leaps for joy,
you are so special to me….

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Love SMS

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Don’t find love
let love find you
that’s why it’s called falling in love
because you don’t force urself to fall
You just fall.

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Love SMS

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Smile is a language of love,
Smile is a source to win heart,
Smile is a name of lovely mood,
Smile create greatness in personality
So keep smiling…

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