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Crush Quotes and Sayings

You are the best thing that came into my life

You are the best thing that came into my life.
Just when the blues of the gloomy weather were getting to me,
You walked in and set me free.
I love you for who you are to me and that matters most.
I never could in my dreams imagine that it could ever be true
That I would find someone as special as you!
You have given me everything that a heart could desire,
You love has now set my soul on fire,
And with your love by my side I can achieve anything for which I aspire.

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Love’s Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle –
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea –
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?

– Percy B. Shelley

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I Cannot Live With You by Emily Dickinson

I cannot live with you,
It would be life,
And life is over there
Behind the shelf

The sexton keeps the key to,
Putting up
Our life, his porcelain,
Like a cup

Discarded of the housewife,
Quaint or broken;
A newer Sevres pleases,
Old ones crack.

I could not die with you,
For one must wait
To shut the other’s gaze down,
You could not.

And I, could I stand by
And see you freeze,
Without my right of frost,
Death’s privilege?

Nor could I rise with you,
Because your face
Would put out Jesus’.
That new grace

Glow plain and foreign
On my homesick eye,
Except that you, than he

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