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Crush Quotes and Sayings

My heart speeds with joy

When the two of us make love to each other
My heart speeds with joy
Racing to infinity with such pleasure
For it has found that one true treasure
You know just how to make my insides race
For your rhythm is absolute perfection in pace
I’m enchanted by the way you look
By your magnificent body and your face
It’s like our bodies though two have been entwined together in one
It is for sure the most perfect time and place
You my lover shall forever be
The only one for me for all eternity
For no one else can ever compare
To the way you are and all I can do is stop and stare
My love for you grows leaps and bound
With every minute that I spend with you around.

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He That Loves A Rosy Cheek by Thomas Carew

He that loves a rosy cheek,
Or a coral lip admires,
Or from star-like eyes doth seek
Fuel to maintain his fires:
As old Time makes these decay,
So his flames must waste away.

But a smooth and steadfast mind,
Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
Kindle never-dying fires:
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

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Love was a silly thing

I had always thought that love was a silly thing
For so much pain it would bring
Lovers when in love were fools too
For all the silly little things they’d do
And just when I thought that love wasn’t in the cards for me
Behold you were there with my heart’s key
And when our eyes met for the first time
I could hear music so beautiful and divine
It told me that the person I did in front of me see
Was my soul mate for all eternity.

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