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Romantic Poems

Romantic Poems

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You Will Always Be Mine
You will always be mine even if we are miles apart,
You will always be mine, and occupy a huge part in my heart.
You will always be mine, even if it makes me sad and blue,
You will always be mine, well I mean, only if I keep loving you.

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Romantic Poems

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My True Love

I have a feeling
That I can comprehend
In my deepest thoughts your are
More than just a friend.

I wouldn’t want to
Rush us now
As love we explore
But there’s a growing love inside
That we just can’t ignore.

I love the times we
Spend together. We are comfortable
And free. I think of you when we are
Alone. I think of you and me.

We have a share
Secrets to uncover. There’s more
To life then we will both discover.
I love you always.

I’ll love you when you’re dumb,
I’ll love you when you’re smart,
I’ll love you anyway you are,
Right from the start.

I’ll love you if you’re tall
I’ll love you if you’re short,
I’ll love you if you’re pretty,
Or just an ugly dork.

I’ll love you if you’re toothless,
I’ll love you if you’re blind,
Anything that’s wrong with you,
To me you’ll be fine.

My heart is opening up now,
Unlike it used to do,
I see the pain that’s in your heart
And sometimes I feel it to.

I’ll love you tomorrow,
I’ll love you today,
I’ll love you forever,
And forever always.

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Romantic Poems

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I dream of the day that you are freed
so that my passion you can feed
My loins burn with strong desire
My heart swells with a burning fire.

The touch of your hand against my skin
Brings to my face a lustful grin
The thought of all the things we’ll do
Your deepest desire will of course come true.

Your arms will once again hold me
And I will beg so passionately
For you to never let me go
And we will rock gently to and fro.

Your lips will touch mine and I will quiver
For my desire will make you shiver
I doubt we’ll make it through the night
Without some squeals of pure delight.

So think on my love of that wonderful day
When I can look at you and say
I want more than anything
Right here right now, make my body sing.

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Romantic Poems

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There’s No Obscurity

As I gaze into his liquid gold eyes,
Poetry radiates from his warm soul
His lips brush mine and I soar through the skies
Passion seizes me; I loose my control
An amalgam of thoughts pierce through my mind
There is love, trust, yet I feel petrified
I know destiny; our fate’s intertwined
But what if he’s a dream, one I’m denied?
A thousand years I could spend with those suns
Amid his presence I’ve conquered all realms
I’ve witnessed beauty that forever stuns
And have basked beneath his forest of elms
Then and there, I grasp truth with clarity
He’s in my arms; there’s no obscurity.

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Romantic Poems

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You Are My Dream
My world feels incomplete without you,
What would I ever do without you, I have no clue;
Love is not love, without you my dear,
My heart is not the same, without you here;
Get out of my dreams and get in my car,
So that I can take you away afar;
To a world filled with peace and love,
To a world where it would be just the two of us.
I love you and I always will.

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