Romantic Messages

Romantic Messages

My very existence revolves around you. I am nothing without you my sweetheart. I love you so much.

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Romantic Messages

You are the fuel of my life – too much of you could burn me to ashes and too little of you will be unable to sustain me!

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Romantic Messages

Love is divine, love is mad. Love is crazy, love is hard. Love makes you smile, it even makes you cry. But the essence and aura, that comes with love is truly inexpressible. May we always stay in love. Thanks for everything, I love you.

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Romantic Messages

Do you know a place in this world which is so safe that I can simply walk in anytime? Your lap, your heart and your eyes! I love you dearest.

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Romantic Messages

Just like whipped cream topped over a macaroon gives it that ultimate taste of bliss, your presence in my life gives me that ultimate sense of satisfaction and joy. I love you darling.

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