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Islamic Verses

Islamic Verses

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Perfume yourselves
with the fragrance of
seeking forgiveness
lest the stench of sins pollute you. – Imam Ali (a)

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Islamic Verses

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A Group Of People
From My Ummah Will
Continue To Fight In
Defense Of Truth And
Remain Triumphant Until
The Day Of Judgment …

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Islamic Verses

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Pray to Allah Almighty,
And show some faith n dignity,
Quran be at your side,
Islam giving you a pride,
Sunnah be a light for you,
That will glow and let you do,
All the acts to make you feel,
Nothing but this land is real.

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Islamic Verses

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A woman was created from a mans rib(Adam).
Not from his feet 2 be walked on,
Not from his head 2 be superior over,
But from his side to be equal,
Under the arm to be protected,
Next to the heart to be loved…

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Islamic Verses

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Take your words into account
as part of your actions,
and do not say anything
unless it is good.

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