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Wife Love Messages

Wife Love Messages

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I am afraid of death not because I fear death itself. I am afraid of death because I know that even the heavens cannot be as beautiful as you. I love you my dear wife!

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Wife Love Messages

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Just like wine gets sweeter as it gets older, you keep getting so beautiful with age. I fall a little more in love with you with every passing day.

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Wife Love Messages

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You are like wine because you get sweeter as the years go by. You are becoming prettier day by day and your ever youthful beauty still makes me feel weak in the knees every time I see you. I love you sweetheart!

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Wife Love Messages

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Each time I look at your gorgeous face, I feel my heart melt in your love. I just cannot stop thinking about you. I love you.

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Wife Love Messages

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If life with you is so beautiful and heavenly, I might be disappointed with what the heavens have to offer later! Thanks for making every day of my life a joy to live. I love you.

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