Love Messages

Love Messages

If only one star would fall every time I miss you, then all the stars in heaven would be gone. Don’t wonder if there are no stars tonight! It’s your fault coz you made me miss you a lot.

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Love Messages

A part of you has grown unto me,
together forever we shall be,
never apart, maybe in distance,
but not in my heart.

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Love Messages

Whatever you do, I’ll walk with you. Hoping that your every dream would come true. Anytime, anywhere, I’ll always be there. Wishing you love and happiness because I care.

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Love Messages

Each of us is an angel with one wing. The only way we could fly is to hold each other and share wings. So if you have trouble flying, I will always share mine with you.

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Love Messages

I see all the beautiful colors of the world, every time you smile at me.

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