Good Night SMS

Good Night SMS

There is only 1 difference between Dream & Aim…
“Dream requires Effortless Sleep. Whereas Aim requires Sleepless Efforts. So sleep 4 Dreams & Wake up 4 ur Aim.”

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Good Night SMS

A late Night SMS doesn’t mean that I am disturbing u. It means u are the last person about whom I am thinking before closing my eyes. Good Night

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Good Night SMS

Touch ur heart ,
close ur eyes,
make a wish,
say Good Night.

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Good Night SMS

Touch ur heart,
Close ur eyes,
Make a wish,
Say gud night,
Sky so wide,
Stars so bright,
Off the light,
& sleep quite-quite.
Good Night sleep well.

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Good Night SMS

| | ELLO
|__|””|_| AVE A Sweet Sweet
*:_:* Good *:_:*
*:_:*night*:_:* :*:_:*:_:*:_:*:

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