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Good Morning SMS

Good Morning SMS

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Everyday is a happy day as long as you text me once a day. I tell you, this is no lie. A text from you always makes me smile.

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Good Morning SMS

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A good person will always b in memory
A better person will always b in dreams
But the best person will always b in hearts..Like U..
Good Morning!

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Good Morning SMS

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Always welcome a new day with a Smile on Ur Lips,Love in Ur Heart and Good Thoughts in Ur Mind….And Ull always have a WoNderFuL DaY..GoOd MoRnInG…

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Good Morning SMS

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Morning is not only sun rise, But a beautiful miracle of God that defeats darkness and spreads light. May this be a very beautiful day for you.
Good morning…

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Good Morning SMS

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Money is a small coin,
Health is a big coin,
Love is a lucky coin,
Friendship is a sweet coin,
Relationship is a ‘GOLD’ coin,
Keep it safe..!!
Good Morning

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