Brain Teasers

Tongue Twisters

Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand.

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Puzzles & Riddles

A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?

Answer: The river was frozen.

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Tongue Twisters

Stupid superstition!

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Brain Teaser SMS

If a Mummy Bull, Daddy Bull, and Baby Bull are in the field and Baby Bull gets scared, who would he run to?

Answer: There is no such thing as a Mummy bull. She is a cow!

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Brain Teaser SMS

If an airplane crashed exactly on the border of France and Germany, where would the survivors be buried?

Answer: You do not bury survivors.

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