Brain Teaser SMS

Brain Teaser SMS

What demands an answer but asks no question?

Answer: A telephone.

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Brain Teaser SMS

A man is found hanging in an ice factory. There is no sign of violence and a pool of water is below him. there are no ladders or other climbing devices and the beam he is hanging from is 20″ off the ground.
How did the detective know it was suicide?

Answer: The man worked in an ice factory. He had stacked up the ice blocks so they were like stairs. The ice had melted leaving a pool of water.
Therefore it was suicide.

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Brain Teaser SMS

What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?

Answer: Mailbox.

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Brain Teaser SMS

Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mt. Everest. It just wasn’t discovered yet.

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Brain Teaser SMS

How many people can read hex if only you and dead people can read hex?


The trick is that the word dead represents a number in hexadecimal. That number in base 10, plus one to include yourself, is: 57005 + 1 = 57006.

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