Brain Teaser SMS

Brain Teaser SMS

A man and his son were in an car accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The surgeon said “I can’t operate, that’s my son!” How is this possible?

Answer: The surgeon was his mother.

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Brain Teaser SMS

A lorry gets stuck under a bridge and it can’t get out! A boy and a girl walk pass and are able to get the lorry out. They have a needle with them. How are they able to get the lorry out?

Answer: They burst the tyres.

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Brain Teaser SMS

What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

Answer:Incorrectly (except when it is spelled incorrecktly).

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Brain Teaser SMS

Napoleon and Josephine are lying dead on the floor in a pool of water. The only other thing noticeable in the room is that the French doors are wide open and the curtains are flapping. How did they die?

Answer: Napoleon and Josephine are goldfish. There was a storm that blew their fishbowl over!

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Brain Teaser SMS

There is this one man who killed his mother, was born before his father and married over 100 women without divorcing. Yet he was considered normal by all of his acquaintances.

Answer: When he was born his mother died from labour, he was born in the presence of his father (before meaning in the presence of) and he
was priest who married 100 men to 100 women.

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