Birthday SMS

Birthday SMS

Sure, you may not like the present I got you,
but I want to remind you how special you are in my life.
Happy birthday!

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Birthday SMS

A riddle for your birthday–

What kind of cereal do cats eat for breakfast?
Mice krispies.

Happy Birthday.

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Birthday SMS

On your birthday,
I would like to give you
some words of wisdom
Smile while you still have teeth.

Many many happy returns of the day.

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Birthday SMS

I know its your birthday today.. I am sure u will give me treat in a big hotel.. so I shall talk to you in person there, because I don’t know to express my feelings in SMS.

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Birthday SMS

On This special Day,
A Star Of pure Love Appeared to be My Gift,
My Present & My Future,
Which is You…!!!
I am Very Thankful For All The Joy & happiness,
You Brought Into My Life,
Happy Birthday My Love and have a wonderful life…..!!!

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