Sorry Quotes

Sorry Quotes

Saying sorry is the purest cure of all heart aches and heart breaks! Admit to yourself that you have done wrong and say sorry. It does not only touches the heart but also touches the soul. It’s the greatest thing to do that will give you the greatest feeling to enjoy.

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Sorry Quotes

If My tomorrow never comes
‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ might have Sa¡d
‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ did Or didn,T Do
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever ¡gnored you
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever made you feel bad Or put you down
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever thought ¡ was bigger Or better than you
‘I M sorry’ for everything wrong ¡ have ever done
I M Wr¡t¡ng Th¡s becoz ¡f My tomorrow never comes?
If I never get A chance To say sorry then I m sorry.. .. .. .. ..

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Sorry Quotes

Be the first one to say Sorry when the other person seems to be hurt bcoz of U & Be the 1st one to forgive if a Person says Sorry to U!

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